
Kermesinum Rose AGM

Rhododendron 'Kermesinum Rosé'

Evergreen azalea hybrid

sport from 'Kermesinum'

A Wemken, Germany, 1972

Synonym: ‘Kermesina Rosé’

AGM 2012


A small shrub growing to 0.5m or slightly more in 10 years

Flowers: Trusses of single flowers; pink with white margins and pale red markings on the 3 dorsal lobes


Not scented

Foliage: Leaves are small and glossy with adpressed hairs and bristle toothed margins. Dimorphic. Evergreen

Other Information: Easy to grow; commercially available

Photo: Millais Nurseries

Location: Surrey

Photo: Polly Cooke

Location: Surrey

Photo: Polly Cooke